Tuesday, June 15, 2010

The How To Tape Hockey Stick Handle

Items needed

1 Hockey Stick - www.bauer.com/

1 Role of tape / what ever colour you like in hockey tape form

1 Hand Saw

1 piece of Rough Grade Sand paper

1 piece of Fine Grade Sand paper

Caution: If Hockey stick is not tapped may cause splinters and slivers.

Step 1

Go to a local sport store such as Canadian tire. Pick out a hockey stick that you like and think that you would like to shoot with. Even if it is to long for you get it anyway.

1A When you measure it to yourself make sure it goes to at least your chin.

1B While you are Canadian Tire pick up your hockey tape as well as your sand paper. If you do not have a saw this is a good place to pick it up

Bonus: www.CanadianTire.ca

Step 2

Now that you have all that you need for your hockey stick, you need to adjust the stick to your height. Measure the stick to just bellow your chin and cut the extra amount of stick off the top with the saw.

Step 3

After cutting the stick to your height you need to start sanding down with the Rough grade of sand paper on the top of the stick where the handle will be.

Bonus: The top of the stick is called the shaft

Step 4

Next you are to continue sanding the top of the Stick with the rough grade of sand paper then follow that step with the fine grade sandpaper.

Caution: Do Not over sand, Just sand till smooth

Step 5

So now that you are ready to tape you need to measure your hands length on the top of the shaft and mark it will a pencil, when doing this allow yourself extra room for your hockey glove. Add Extra 2 inches.

Hint: The extra room is added comfort

Step 6

Tape the hockey stick from the top for the shaft to the mark you made in the pervious step which should me a hands length down.

6b With over lapping the tape half way every time you go down the stick.

6c Then copy this step 2 more times with going up and down the shaft without ripping the tape off.

Hint: For extra strength angle your tape upward and then downward while wrapping the tape.

Step 7

When you get back to the top of the shaft tape around the very top 30-40 times till u get a nob that feels comfortable and will help you keep the stick stop from sliding out of your hand.

Step 8

Starting by pulling the hockey tape out to about 6 inches and then twist the tape so that it makes a string.

8b Wrap the string around the shaft to the bottom of what you have taped.

Hint: If you need more string just pull tape out more and twist into a string.

Step 9

When you start out it should look like this and follow it down to the base of your sting then Follow Step 6.

Step 10

You can now rip the roll of tape off. You are ready to play some fun hockey. Good luck. Shoot and Score.

Bonus http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ejen8ChWfD4&feature=related

Extra Websites for Hockey Fans: www.nhl.com http://canucks.nhl.com www.ahl.com

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